Colton Rushton


This Website

This very portfolio website is a demonstration of how quickly I can learn and put together websites in new technologies. It also is a good test of how fast and optimized I can make my webpages. This project uses Astro, Tailwind CSS, and Alpine.js. It also has full marks and the full PWA badge on Google Lighthouse as of 11.5.0. It's good to see you here!

Portfolio Website

To see the starter template this website is based off of:

Photo Album

This photo album was a project for a programming course I am currently in. This project uses React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and uses a NoSQL database powered by MongoDB with a variant using a MySQL database and PHP also being available. It also has full marks on Google Lighthouse and the full PWA badge as of Lighthouse 11.5.0.

Album Project

To see the MongoDB/NextJS version of this project:

To see the MySQL/PHP version of this project: